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"shrine" we women register brand bags ,it have a few years history ,"shrine" leather have a medernization for work place,all are import and there are a few designer who are much experience and art feeling to design the leather handbags ,there are hundreds of high-technology employee,the main of products is women's work-handbag ,leisure bags,women's tole handbags,silver handbags,leather gifts and leather accessories.
"shrine" is combine the western and the Eastern culturl ,with the standard raise of the coustomers ,
An introductory unit which gives you information about the wholesale handbags and this preparation course,it also gives tips on developing your vocabulary skills .
ests after every double unit to provide further pracitice in the examinatiom skills you will need.
they are from Europen ,USA and others ,we have the fanny of "shrine" customers shopping store for wholesale handbags,we support a environment and convenience.we also give someone who want to own his store a successful a opportunity ,"shrine" leather company have plan about market - management.
the book reviews and practises functionsal language such as phrases for arranging an appointmet and making requests ,suggestions and recommendations for cambridage BEC intermediate you also need to be able to express such functions in writing ,at the back of the book you can find essential funtions which lists both written and spoken forms.
A section after every double unit to provide consolidation of the vocabulary and functions of the unit .it also contains a focus on a particular grammatical area to enable you to review your grammar systematically.
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